NOW PLAYING: Die Internationale (German version of the internationale)


The website is currently underconstruction, including this page! Future changes are likely to be made so come back later to see those! :3🌠🌠🌠

🌠About me🌠

Hiiiiii!!! :333 My name is Ava I'm an autty (meaning autistic I just create my own slang a lot) 15 y/o enby transfem (very important that I stress NOT trans woman!!!) communist of the Marxist variety (specifically maoist!!!). I have lived in a couple places, my family is originally from Tanzania (which is where both my parents are from) but I was born in Texas. I've lived most of my life there but since 2020 I've lived in the state Utah, then Japan, and now England (England most definitely takes the top spot for worst place I've ever lived). I have visited Tanzania a number of times though to visit relatives and such.

These days I spend a lot of my time rotting on my bedroom floor out of exhaustion from school and then doing homework. Currently trying to enhance my regulation of homework but I've been having some difficulties (╯︿╰) But thru a righteous struggle against the rotten degenerative cycles I know I am bound to triumph!!! Anyway, I probably won't be updating this website too much outside of breaks and whutnot until later in the school year around april when my school work amount dies down a bit and I get more free time. So jar das me!



[this is the current end for this page, I might add some more stuff later though, so jar :3]