NOW PLAYING: The Battle is Won - Ayden George (Lenin is Young Again Remix) (a forwardwave song)


The website is currently underconstruction, including this page! Future changes are likely to be made so come back later to see those! :3🌠🌠🌠

🔭The 2 Year Plan🔭


To give the shortest possible explanation of what the 2 year plan is, it basically a combination of operations, initiatives, and campaigns aimed at progressively constructing the self. This is the culmination of years of anger and frustration at failing to get anywhere in terms of self development, thus the 2 Year Plan is the highest and most advanced expression of revolutioanry capacities for action in this grand and noble endeavor of sweeping away the old degenerate childish self.

Additionally, to site myself from the "On The Plan Of The 2 Year Plan WD", specifically section 1, topic 1, subsection 1 "What is The 2 Year Plan?" I go on to state that the 2 year plan is "[...] the organized course of action which we intend to follow in order to bring about a new revolutionary self who has triumphed over the ineptitudes which have historically prevented me from effectively engaging in projects and other plans and goals."

Jar, so those are the really core aspects of what the 2 Year Plan is. I could go more in depth but I'm really running short on time to complete the first draft of the site so I'll elaborate on those probably in the second or third draft versaion of the site when everything is a lot more organized and nice looking!


[this is the current end for this page, I might add some more stuff later though, so jar :3]