NOW PLAYING: The Internationale (sung by the city of Baku) / One State Red Flood theme (A forwardwave song)


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15 Years of Resistence!!

On this grand revolutionary day all historical events fall down behind me as I take center stage. Today is a celebration of my victory over all reactionary forces. Both present and historical over the past 15 years of my life.

In spite of the wretched attempts to go through with ego-abolition on 2 occasions, April 21st/22nd and May 9th (ironically victory day), I have endured. I have endured that and the despicable counter offensive launched by the external reactionaries to abolish the revolutionary movement and reinstate the boymode. But after all of this I have still managed to triumph over all reactionary movements for they do not have the support of the genuine self and thus cannot claim victory. Not forever at least.

The ego-revolutionary movement that has been set in motion cannot be stopped. Our victory is inevitable.

And with these occurrences in mind I will celebrate today with the revolutionary spirit that has impregnated me. With full fervor and enthusiasm I will cherish this day and the many more of them which are sure to come!