NOW PLAYING: The Internationale (sung by the city of Baku) / One State Red Flood theme (A forwardwave song)


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The Declaration of The Ego-Liberation War!!!!!

(this is the final sbsection from the writing doc (wd) "Formulating a Renewed Counter Offensive Against All Remaining Ego-Reactionaries"

No longer shall we be subject to languishing in despair and torturous discomfort. The time of reactionary degenerate cycles and the propagation of a false andro-masc reactionary self is over!!

We, the true forwardist ego-revolutionaries, have set up a new series of campaigns to combat the reactionary line in all its forms. Not ONE remnant of the reactionary line shall remain! The ego-revolutionaries have now decided to embark on a righteous campaign of total ego-liberation which we will go through with tirelessly till its completion.

It won’t be an easy battle for the ego-reactionaries will likely escalate the wretched campaign of terror and anxiety. But without genuine support from the genuine self they are certainly doomed to defeat!

The time for a revolutionary ego-liberation war is not yesterday, not tomorrow, but today! We, the principled line of the Ava liberation front, official declare war on the revisionist line of the liberation front the wretched grouping of reactionaries!

The train of revolution thunders as it finally begins its departure from the depths of hell! Ego-liberation is just a inevitable, glory to the revolutionaries!!!