NOW PLAYING: 东方红_The East is Red - Chinese Patriotic Song - Interkast (youtube, j5HHb2EW0ms) (a forwardwave song)
The website is currently underconstruction, including this page! Future changes are likely to be made so come back later to see those! :3🌠🌠🌠
Alright chat I got something to confess... I'm a chronic larper😔 Not that I'm ashamed of it I am in fact actually a proud larper, live laugh larp :3! (a quote which I didn't actually make myself but rather a friend did) Anyway I'm writing an explanation because it seems a bit odd to be including "events" and "superevents" in a website. That is if you even know what those are. Well then I guess I owe you an explanation (literally the title of this section of the page).
Ogey so basically I'm getting the idea of "events" and "superevents" from the game hearts of iron 4 (hoi4) and a mod for the game called The New Order (TNO). Now i actually play this specific configuration of the game essentially religously because I love liberating China/the USSR from Japanese/German imperalism over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. But beyond my play style I really liked the expressive potentially present in TNO superevents and to a lesser extent the vanilla hoi4 events. Thus I've been wanting to use them in relation to things going on in my life but haven't quite exactly gotten the oppurtunity to implement the concept how I'd like just yet (since it's the kind of thing I'd work on in the second not first year of the 2 Year Plan). But I think this website would be the perfect oppurtunity to implement the idea. I think the status bit is a bit more self explanatory and really just decided to add it to my website because I saw that other people with websites I admired had it in them so I decided to steal it :3
The three sections of this page, my status, events, and superevents, will be arranged in the order of least to most interesting. So the order I just listed them in. The reasoning for this order is that they are put in the order in which they would be most updated. Seeing as how I'd probably be updating my status page relatively frequently I put it at the top to be seen more easily and then superevents/events lower down because I will eventually include music/other sound for them so they'll be noticed that way. So jar, that's the explanation :3
Advancing creative production once more!
no events today, check the source code for past events! :3
no superevents today, check the source code for past superevents! :3