NOW PLAYING: TNO OST: Russian Fairytale



The website is currently underconstruction, including this page! Future changes are likely to be made so come back later to see those! :3🌠🌠🌠

⏳My Future Plans For The Site⏳

Ogey so this should be a pretty straightforward page since I have a rough idea as to what I want to do with this site going forward after the first draft is completed. I guess I should begin with the vague ideas. So basically once this first draft of the site is finished I will shift over to the aesthetics of the site. Basically like the formatting and look of the webiste nothing major in terms of new content should happen unless I get some really good idea to add. Else the only additions you can expect in the second draft are ones relating to the looks and sounds of the sight as I begin to truly take inspiration from other people's websites.

Now as for planned changes I have a whole doc on that which you can check out if you're interested in possible upcoming changes to the site. so jar :3 (heres the link : fard)


[this is the current end for this page, I might add some more stuff later though, so jar :3]