NOW PLAYING: The Battle is Won - Ayden George (Lenin is Young Again Remix) (a forwardwave song)


The website is currently underconstruction, including this page! Future changes are likely to be made so come back later to see those! :3🌠🌠🌠

🌠Communism Is The Way Forward🌠


Alright so I don't really want to go too much in depth on my communist views, this being a bare bones draft of the site after all. But basically I believe, after investigation, that communism, specifcally marxism-leninism-maoism is necessarily the only way forward for humanity. In order to avert the worst scenarios of climate change, alleviate global suferring of all species not just humans, and break free of the ridiculous boom and bust cycles of capitalism (as well it's other inefficient and dystopian aspects). Furthermore, marxism seeks to abolish the current state of things, meaning the entire bourgeoise order. All things which stem from or uphold that order are thus reactionary and should be opposed for the betterment of all people's lest we all languish in discomfort and agony.

So jar, that's what I think of communism I think it truly gives power to every individual and is the only way in which all people's everywhere can be free. Although I should note that I'm just a kid and do not work myself but I have come to these conclusions after learning about the nature of capitalism. But due to my alienation from the act of labor my perspective on it will necessarily be flawed. But anyway that's what I think (or rather know to be true)! :3


[this is the current end for this page, I might add some more stuff later though, so jar :3]